Friday, April 11, 2008


Battlestar Galactica is kind of a mini bain of my existence. My husband and a few friends are like HARDCORE fans of this show, and now that I think of it anyone I know who is a fan at all is a HARDCORE fan. I always came home late from derby practice when it was on so i never got into it though I sure do hear about it a lot. Like, a LOT. And he has a crush on Starbuck, but I can deal with that.
Here is a totally amazing flickr set found by reader Chrystina Riggs.

Click here for great commentary by the "artist".

ALSO... we were blogged about on a blog! Holy shit!
Check it out here .

1 comment:

Ruby Khan said...

Ugh, Jeff snuck the first season of this onto our Netflix queue, and I tried really hard to watch an episode, but they kept saying "fracking" and that was irredeemably stupid.

Battlestar Galactica--it's no Buck Rogers.